Tuesday, January 7, 2014

hello there...

Well, here I am. Venturing out into this blogging world with my small voice and my little crafts sharing a bit of my life with...well, the world.. although at this point, "the world" will probably consist of only my parents, sisters, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and perhaps my husband. But hey! That's a start, right?

Tonight, this night after spending most of the day sick on the couch watching Netflix, seems to be a rather odd time to begin such an endeavor (especially considering I did not even crochet or anything). But as I was laying here watching the last bit of West Side Story I thought, "hey, I should start working on this blog I've been wanting to start for the past year." So here I am. Happy New Year's to me! I am actually starting something I wanted to do this year!

Since we're on the subject, isn't it a funny thing that year after year we write lists of "things" we want to do or change in the new year? Resolutions. A firm decision to do or not to do something. Firm. Firm? I regret to say I have never been very firm with past resolutions, so I suppose what I truly have been doing is simply writing lists of ideas. Boy, I've had lots of ideas in the past, but this year I feel resolved (oh boy!) to follow through with these ideas. This post is my first check off of the idea-list! Now I have begun and must continue!

What else is on my idea list? So glad you asked...

  •  Successfully complete the Whole30 program and make lifestyle changes starting with food-- this one I am stoked to do as I have a great support group on Facebook and a skin issue I am hoping to cure.
  • Create a stock pile of crochet goods and start selling them on that neat site Etsy-- I will also share some of these creations with you lovely folks.
  • Read MORE-- My goodness, I used to read as if words were sustenance and have fallen out of the habit. Although, I am happy to say I did just drink up a novel called Longbourn by Jo Baker-- if you like the Bennet family, then you will love reading about the story of their servants.
  • To be happy and explore-- I am happy with many things in my life, but I could be happier with the place in which I live. I need to get out there and see more of it. Washington is an awfully beautiful place after all. 
  • Most importantly, to have a more ravenous hunger for God's word and to be a better example of His love. 
Well, friends, there we go. Those are my aims, not just for 2014, but for life. 

He has made everything beautiful in His time. 
Ecclesiastes 3: 11


  1. Well I wanted to be the first member of the aforementioned "world" (although not formally listed as a member), to comment on your blog. I like it. I've kicked around the idea of a blog, but alas, have talked myself out of it every time. I hope you keep it up cuzzy wuzzy. I enjoyed yours, very well written! Love to you and yours!

    1. Jason! Thank you for being the first of the "world" to read! You should definitely write one. I know it would be hilarious, and I would read it everyday!

  2. I have a blog I never wr ite on... I hope you will share when you post so I don't forget to read! I love hearing about what my far- away friends are up to.

    1. Thank you, Sarah! With all of the positive feedback, I am feeling even more brave to continue.

  3. Love your blog! I've thought about learning to crochet and/or knit. Seems like a nice way to relax and be creative at the same time. Will keep reading your blog so keep it up!

    1. Thank you so much! Crocheting is exactly that! I hope you continue to enjoy what you read. :)
